CSS Template 1

Posted on Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is the companion CSS template for the HTML template. Use both together as a starting point for your own website.


The Template: template-style.css

*    The line following this comment is what's known as a 'CSS reset.' Using the wild-card selector ('*') selects all elements.
*    Setting the padding and margin to zero helps override each browser's default settings, and makes it more likely
*    our CSS looks the same on most browsers. Remove that line if you want to build off of the default settings.
*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; }

*    General form for CSS selectors:
*    tag{
*        attribute: value;
*    }
*    #id{
*        attribute: value;
*    }
*    .class{
*        attribute: value;
*    }

*    Put all CSS that is common to all media types directly in the file, outside of any media selectors

*    Use media selectors to build CSS specific to a media type.

@media screen

@media tty

@media tv

@media projection

@media handheld

@media print

@media braille

@media aural